Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Handy-Man in the making....

Our little man is actually quite a good little helper around the house.
We did some moving things around, cleaning, and un-screwing things off the wall, and putting them back on in new spots...(One of the many things that drives Brent crazy about me, but he loves me so much he does it anyway...)
Porter got up just in time from his nap to be Dads little side kick...or I guess in these pictures, it looks like Dad is the side-kick.
Porter is ALL boy, and Dad couldn't be any prouder!
My boys are just the best.


The Holdaway Family said...

He will be such a handy man! His wife will love him!

Young family said...

Looks like you are changing or adding to Madi's room... I need to come see what you have done!
Oh, my girls say they want your girls to come here for Saturday's party.
I will put them to work!

Young family said...

Looks like you are changing or adding to Madi's room... I need to come see what you have done!
Oh, my girls say they want your girls to come here for Saturday's party.
I will put them to work!