Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Best of friends....worst enemies....

These two are quite the little handfuls...
I kept Elsie home from school today.
She woke up happy, but she had a hard time walking and her muscles were pretty tight...the way her body feels depends a lot with how the cold weather is.
Then Porter bit her this morning, and she got so worked up, she ended up throwing-up.
So I kept her home from school.
And boy oh boy...these two are hard to keep up with when they are together.
If they are happy, and playing nice...then you have trouble, cause they have probably sneaked themselves into Madi's room and into her stuff, or into Cassi's new markers, maybe in the pantry taking out ALL the canned food, or possibly in the bathroom, trying to strip down to get in the bath.
Elsie opens the doors for him, and he causes the havoc!
But if they are fighting, you have to keep a close eye on Porter, cause he is strong, and pushes Elsie down and out of the way with no problem at all.
And you have to keep your eye on Elsie, cause she can get pretty mean if you cross her.
She pulled out the claws and aims for the face or head region...
I literally followed them around the house cleaning up what they were doing or getting in the middle of any fights...all day long.
But aren't they sweet?
They sure do love each other...and I am so happy they have each other...
But I am also happy that I don't have to have them together in the mornings everyday...cause I think I would pass out from exhaustion!!!
I love my babies!


Books = Possibilities said...

That is a very sweet picture! Wow, they do take energy!

Emily Peterson said...

What a handful Kim!!!! But they are sweet in that picture!!!

The Holdaway Family said...

What a sweet picture! Sorry that Elsie was having a rough morning, I wish it was summer already!