My kids might get in the bad habit of celebrating their birthday for 3-5 days...that seems to be the trend in the way we celebrate them...
Brent works tomorrow, and it is also Sunday, so we went out for Madi's birthday dinner tonight.

She couldn't she told us that she wanted to either eat at Red Robin or Texas Roadhouse.
Then she wanted us to blindfold her and surprise with the place...
Silly girl.
She got my decision making abilities!
We decided to go to Texas Roadhouse...
When we came home...he brand new bike was sitting in the living room.A bike that she actually fits she is VERY excited to take some bike rides!
Then we opened her other presents...
(Except the ONE that I have been MADLY working on...hopefully I can get that by tomorrow!!!)
She got two more porcelain dolls...she got one from Cassi yesterday at her party.
More books.
Some cute dresses that I found at Target for $3 and couldn't resist!!!
And a few other fun things.
Oh, I got her some stuff to paint on her fingers to help he to quite biting them!!!
I hope it works!
So tomorrow is the big day.
She really wants to take a cheesecake to Dads we will see if we can make that happen.
I can't believe she is gonna be NINE!!!
Love the blindfold idea Madi!! Sounds like your birthday celebration has gotten a good start leading up to tomorrow!! :o)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MADI BELL!! It's great to be NINE enjoy every minute of it cause you'll never be nine again. Have a happy and healthy year!! Love Gramdma "Ene"
p,s, did you get the package?
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