I really don't get how some people can be so put together.
Here I am, still sitting in my pajamas, from last night, and I am not sure if I even brushed my teeth this morning.
But I feel like I have had a very full day.
I have been trying to can/jelly/or freeze what I have left of my darn peaches...
That takes up so much time, and makes such a big mess, and I only get a few measly bottles out of it...
No, it is great, I am glad to have preserved so many peaches that would have gone bad...
I am just saying that after a busy day with the kids, washing laundry, folding laundry (lots), trying to encourage the kids to pick up after themselves...my house is still a mess.
My kitchen is a disaster.
I would have loved to make some more pillows today...but I couldn't find my rotary cutter, so that is why I was forced to can the peaches.
Which is a good thing.
It needs to be done.
So I am not complaining....I just want to know the secret...
How can I get a clean house, clean kids, laundry done, less Elmo on the T.V., clean toilets, photos edited, projects done, and get a shower on top of all that?????
I know there are you super woman out there...how do you do it???

I do have to say...I am thankful for the minute or two of peace that a simple Otter Pop gives me...
Although I think Elsie had about 20 today.
That is no exaggeration.
The skin on the bottom of her big toes is dry and cracked, like bleeding crack, so she won't walk.
Poor girl.
I try everything I can to make her happy, and Otter Pops do the trick, most of the time.
So I give in.
I will break her of the habit once school starts.
Oh school....maybe I can get LOTS of stuff done once they are in school....
I LOVE my kids and I absolutely LOVE being a Mom...but I am so unbelievably Thankful to have an amazing husband who is so hands on in our family.
I couldn't do it without him.
Several times today I just had to remind myself that he will be home tomorrow.
Things are always more calm around here when he is home.
I love him and the kids love him...and man, I miss him...
Now I am gonna go put some clean jammies on.
Then clean the kitchen and hopefully have enough time to work on that special big project!!!
Sometimes the secret is to just pick your battles. Put your to-do list in order of importance TO YOU. What do YOU want to get done first? What can you let slide? What can your children help you with (i.e. LAUNDRY)?
And the biggest secret: there are NO SUPER WOMEN! Just ones that LOOK like they're doing it all. Take a closer examination...and you'll see they're as human as any of us!
I agree with your sister!
We all have our days when we stay in our jammies, and that is okay. You are a great Mom! Be proud of who you are and what you are doing....
Kim you still manage to get way more done than me. Yesterday my house was a mess and I read a 400 page book. Needless to say the house didn't get clean. I think they only thing I accomplished was taking the kids for a bike ride, when I really I was just being selfish and did it so I could run!
It's so funny that you think there is a super mom out there, because as I read your blog and my other friends blogs, I am so amazed at how you and they do it all. You are amazing.
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