We need a little order in this house of chaos...
So for Family Home Evening tonight we came up with a merit/demerit system...
We are hoping it works.
It is hanging front and center in our kitchen so I hope it is a daily reminder for us too.

See, I knew it would be useful!!!
So it is magnetic and then I painted it with Chalkboard paint...
It worked great!
I like the idea, because we are trying to work as a team, instead of individuals...
Yes, we move up or down as individuals...but in order to win the ultimate prize, we have to all be there.
I hope we can all stay excited about it!
Adorable idea! Keep us updated on how well it works.
very cool idea. What are the rules?
What a great idea! I hope it works! I feel I am in need of something like that too!
Good idea. We might have to try that. What is the grand prize?
It looks awesome! I hope it works great for you family!!! That oil drip pan looks perfect for it, too!
I've been looking for something magnetic that I could paint with chalk board paint - you are a genius... especially to get it for free! Cute reward system idea, you'll have to let me know how it works.
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