Our house faces the perfect direction.
Our patio is completely in shade by about 2:00 in the afternoon.
We LOVE having dinner out there!
It saves from a lot of mess in the house.
Cause these little ones are pretty messy!
It is nice to just pull out the hose...and spray everything down.
She loves her veggies...
Hey...at least he is eating, right?
I just had to share this picture.
This little boy is so much trouble...but he just melts my heart.
Look at that messy face...those dark eyes...that round belly...
Oh I just love him.
There is definitely something about a mommy and her boy.
(Small disclaimer...I am completely in love with my girls too...there is just something so different that I just can't explain...mommy's of boys, don't you agree?)

This little boy is so much trouble...but he just melts my heart.
Look at that messy face...those dark eyes...that round belly...
Oh I just love him.
There is definitely something about a mommy and her boy.
(Small disclaimer...I am completely in love with my girls too...there is just something so different that I just can't explain...mommy's of boys, don't you agree?)
Ketchup must be a Matthews thing, because Ryker has to have ketchup on everything!! Silly boys!
My youngest loves Ketchup too, gross if you ask me. lol.
(figured I'd better leave a comment so I wasn't just stalking you.)
There totally is something about mom's and their boys. I can be so fired up at Owen and he just comes and hugs me and looks at me and I cave...that's why he is such a turd, he KNOWS he can get away with it!
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