I have been wanting to cut Elsie's hair for a long time.
I wanted a cute bob, kinda like Madi's.
But I knew I couldn't do that...
I also knew that she wouldn't let anyone, but me, near her with a pair of scissors!
So I decided to just trim it up and even it out.

I still think it is darling...maybe a few trims and she will be ready for a real haircut...
It looks so thick and full of body...I love it.
So does she!

Great job Elsie!
I LOVE freckles...
And I LOVE freckles on my kids even more!!!
I found two new ones on Porters face today...and I LOVE them!!!
I think I could still pick out Madi's, but Cassi is getting over-run with them.
I think they are so CUTE!!!!
As you can tell, Porter was sick of having the camera stuck in his face!
I would like to tell you that he stole Elsie's cup, that is why it is pink...
But really, sometimes you gotta just use what is clean...
*I am Thankful that I finally picked out a paint color for my chairs. Now I just need to get the paint ON the chairs!!!! I can't wait!!!
*I am Thankful that there are so many of you interested in my Wellness Challenge coming up....I hope to have a website up and running by Monday...I am thinking of starting the challenge June 1...but possible the middle of May...I will let you know.
*I am Thankful that I was a big girl and got up and ran all by my lonesome this morning. I did speed work...and it was pretty fun. But Jenni and Aryn...I don't like to run alone!!!
I'm interested in your wellness challenge. let me know more about it.
I can't believe how different and thicker her hair looks being trimmed! So cute! I LOVE freckles too! I wish I had some! One time I was talking to Morgan and I said that her freckles on her nose were so cute and I wish I had some and she said well you do! Um no...those are called blackheads...hahaha
I am interested in your wellness challenge, let me know once you have the website up!
I did speed work yesterday too. Although I wasn't alone. I had 3 kid and the cast of Mary Poppins to entertain me.
Sign me up. I need a good program and some buddies to help me through it.
hey kim do you think she would let me cut her hair. I would love to cut it for her.
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