Brent is on the Dive rescue team here on the Fire Department...he does all kinds of diving...cold water, dark, ice above his head, swift name it.
He was more than excited to get to go dive somewhere that he can see stuff and have it be beautiful LIVING stuff...
And I was excited to try it out and possible share his love for diving with him.
So the day started out with a yummy breakfast and then we set out to find where to do lessons.
Brent is certified...but I am they do little classes, not to certify you, but get you comfortable enough to take you out to the reef.

I was very excited.
Everything he was saying made sense to me and I thought it would be so great!

Take a look at my face...
This may be a bit of foreshadowing for you...

I couldn't do it.
I stuck my face in and in a panic had to pop it back up.
Tired again...back up...
Some encouraging words form Brent and our instructor...and I felt like I should really give it a go and I swam with them around the bottom of the pool, well, half the pool.
I can't even begin to explain how I felt down there.
I am in a bit of a panic right now thinking about it.
But I wanted to do it so bad...I had already had Scuba trips with Brent planned for the next 40 years...(ha ha)
But really I thought this would be so much fun for us to do together as a couple.
As I was down there I kept thinking...I can't just go up if I am 30 feet below...I would die!
I said a little prayer as I popped back up to the top.
Asking God to either help me do this...or get me out of here!
At that point Brent popped up and said, in the sweetest, most protective voice..."Kimi, you can't do this."
I was so relieved...and so sad at the same time.
That is when Brent turned to the instructor and asked him, while pointing to Drew, "How fast can you teach THAT guy?"
He didn't really give the guy a chance to answer and said..."He's done this before!"
Then as the instructor was helping me...Brent swam over to Drew and said..."Hey, tell him you've done this before."
Drew had quite the stunned and worried look on his face.
He had actually done this kind of thing in pool setting before when he was in High School...but he wasn't sure he wanted to do it anyway...that is why he wasn't doing it with us.
But with the challenge from Brent...he couldn't pass it up.
So Drew got the 45 minute lesson that I got, in about 5 minutes before he dove in the pool...and the rest of it he got under water.
Awesome work, Drew!

He says that technically I can say that I did Scuba Dive...I was under water, breathing...kinda.
That counts, right???

But oh so beautiful!!!
Brent and I
I was practically hanging off the boat to get this picture...I wanted one more shot before he went in...that is why he has that 'Kim, you are a crazy lady' look on his face!
Some under water shots of the boys...
Brent was in HEAVEN!
Drew and Brent
Just chillin' at the Reef!
He is up and out and so happy!

That is one happy boy!
When we finally got back home we went down to the dock, on the lagoon side of the island... to check it out...

and get some sunset shots.
He still loves me...even though we will NOT be scuba diving partners!
Then a yummy dinner...a show...some hot tubbing and bedtime!

The fun has only started!!!
I had to write this, cause I never want to forget it...but maybe if it is at the one will read it and it can stay our own little joke...
When we first arrived in Mexico all the prices that were quoted us were quoted in US dollars or told to us in Pesos...
When we arrived at the hotel we had a guy tell us about some stuff we could do and things that were offered.
He told us the city bus would take us to the flea markets downtown for only 7.50 a person.
We thought that was kinda steep...but we had just payed $60 to get from the airport to the it didn't seem completely absurd....
Well, after our lesson, we had to get out to Aquaworld to catch the boat that was taking us to the Reef.
So we gave the bus driver $30 for the 4 of us and got to Aquaworld.
Did the Scuba thing and then afterwards talked with the photographer to see about getting pictures.
They offered one free print, but the guy said that we had to get that tomorrow.
We were, it cost $30 to get way we can come back.
He looked at us with the craziest face when we said $30.
The he just started laughing. guessed it...the bus rate was 7.50 PESOS per person...which is roughly 50 cents!!!!
Oh man...we were so embarrassed...then he went and started talking to his friends and they were pointing and making fun...oh man.
Good thing we can laugh now...
Technically, we should have been able to have a bus ride around ALL OF MEXICO!!!
I love that first silhouette picture! Who takes all of these pictures for you? Do you have a personal photographer stalk you around when you are getting diving lessons, etc? Tee hee. At least you tried to scuba dive! I get so freaked out by the water and little fishies coming to get my toes! Can't wait for more pics!!!! SO FUN!!!
so did the first bus driver just think you gave him a gigantic tip or something? Haha!
Fun stuff! Talk about memories you can't forget! Love the pictures. It is too bad about the scuba diving, but glad Brent had fun anyway!
I love the sunset pictures and the stories. Just a little jealous:)
I love how you share the good and bad!
Kim, I am living vicariously through you! Love your pics and was laughing about the scuba diving lessons, I am right there with you! Looks like you guys had a great time.
I am sorry that scuba diving didn't go well for you but I am glad for Brent's sake that Drew was able to do it!
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