Sunday, November 22, 2009


We LOVE quotes....
If you have ever been to our house and seen our fridge, you would agree.
We love quotes.
I keep all the cute little saying that I get from Relief Society...
Brent finds all kinds of quotes from books and work.
And we have always done this...always collected quotes.
Today I skipped church.
One reason, Elsie still had a little runny nose...and they don't like that at nursery.
And Brent was we stayed home.
But this morning I felt like I still wanted a little spiritual enlightenment...
So I turned on the BYU channel and lucky me they had a devotion on.
Elder Huntsman was speaking and I absolutely loved his talk.
I pulled several quotes from his talk to hang on the fridge.
My very favorite quote from today was from Winston Churchill,
"We receive our inspiration from the mountain tops, but receive our maturity from the valleys of life."
I thought it was just beautiful.
And perfect...
We all have our trials, some big and some little.
But like Brother Huntsman said as part of his talk,
"Adversity determines our character."
I struggle with wanting to be the best Mom for my kids.
I think I am a good Mom, but I am the best Mom they could have...or the best Mom that they deserve?
(Remember me saying this blog is my if you want to be done reading...that is just fine.)
Brent is definitely the stronger, more patient parent.
He uses each situation as a learning tool.
And I just need to grow up.
I seem to act the same age as them, like two friends in a big fight.
I shouldn't be like that.
How can they learn from me how to deal with a stressful situation if I can't deal with it myself????
And I am trying to be better at it.
But I keep thinking, "Is it too late? I have already taught them all my bad habits when it comes to getting mad!"
I hope it isn't too late.
That is why I love quotes.
It is like a big cheer before the big game.
You know what I mean?
So I am gearing myself up tonight to be the Best Mom in the world for my little ones.
Cause they deserve that.


Amy said...

I know I haven't ever met your kids, and that it has been over 10 years since I last saw you, but I can see in your kids eyes and smiles that they have wonderful parents that are giving them a great life! You have a beautiful family, and I hope that Travis and I can have such a great family too!

Books = Possibilities said...

I really like this post, Kim. It is very heartfelt and honest. You are a great parent.

(BTW, I tagged you in my blog. Check it out...I think you'll like it)

The Holdaway Family said...

I love quotes too. They help inspire and motivate me!

By the way, in a side note, it drives me crazy when they tell parents to keep little ones home when they have a sniffle. I can understand green boogers or a hacking cough, keep them home. But it just encourages inactivity when they have a clear runny nose and they won't let them go to nursery...

P.S. why does it take 10 minutes for me to get on your blog? Anyother blog is fast but yours takes forever!!

Cami said...

I love inspirational quotes! From what I can tell, you are an amazing mom! You shouldn't be so hard on yourself!

Sara said...

I always like to turn the TV onto BYU TV if we ever happen to miss church! Even before church I like to have it on.

I love all the quotes you have!