I LOVE sweet little love notes....
I love how she worked so hard to spell out each word, and I think she did a good job.
But let me translate anyway....
I lov yo Madison
(I love you Madison)
yor ay fon sistr
(You're a fun sister)
I lov it
(I love it)
It is fon for me
(It is fun for me)
Lov Cassi
(Love Cassi)
Madi yo or fon
(Madi you are fun)
Lov Cassi
(Love Cassi)
Oh so sweet.....
you would think they got along....
THINK being the key word here!
And I know I am a week behind.....
But Porter is 11 months old now!
I can't believe it!!!
That is so crazy to me!!!
And a little sad...
But this kid is so much fun.
He is about as rough and tumble as it gets!!!
He is about as rough and tumble as it gets!!!
You can't tell so much, but the kids has a black eye right now...and for the record, so do I....the back of Porters head got me!
He isn't taking any steps on his own, but he loves to use Elsie's walker, and he loves to push stools and chairs around.
He does stand alone for a few seconds...isn't he so cute when he does!!!

Porter favorite thing to do it head butt the dog. It is so funny. But Elsie doesn't think it is so funny when he tries to tackle her......this kid is ALL BOY!!!!
Oh, and he waves with his hand...he waves backwards, towards himself...and it is so cute! He also says "hi", which I guess can be classified as Porters first word...

That is such a sweet note that Cassi wrote! She is doing fantastic at spelling!
You need to make a video of Porter using Elsie's walker. I would love to see that!...
Cassi is so smart, she is doing great at sounding out words!
That's so sweet of Cassi! How did Madi like her note? I can't believe Porter is almost a year!!! It seems like I just found out you were finally having a boy! Crazy how time flies!
that's so neat he's learning to walk!! YAY. The shoes are cute any color!
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