I LOVE chore charts made by Madi......
It says:
Chores for family
Madison-Drink for dog, make bed, clean room.
Cassidy- Food for dog, make bed, clean room.
Elsie- Pick up toys - don't cry.
Porter- Stay out of our way - stay asleep - don't have poopy diapers til we're done.
Mom- dishwasher, load and rinse. Laundry.
Dad- clean kitchen and table. Laundry.
Not too bad!
My favorites are Porters jobs!!!
So funny!
If only this was all it took to clean this place up!!!
The kids weren't too bad today.
It is hard when they are sick, cause they are ornery!!!
We've got coughs, sore throats and fever.
You might want to stay away.
By the way, our board is an old window given to me by Elsie's PT.
It is huge!
One section is magnet, one is cork (covered in fabric) and two places to write on.
It works out great!

Obviously Porter is doing NONE of his jobs!
That's cute of Madi, she should come make us a chore chart! Hehe
What a great chore chart! I love the window idea! Fabulous! It's funny how one of Elsie's jobs is to not cry...you can tell it's a list written by a big sister! :)
So cute! I love it! What a cutie she is!
That is hilarious. How in the world did you get her to write you up a chore chart, wish my kids did that! lol.
That is so funny! I LOVE Porter's chores!!!
that's funny. you better train that little man!!! He has so many teeth! Mitchell still only has his bottom 2!!
Well, if Porter isn't going to do his jobs, then I will do them for him!
My favorite post yet!!! I'm still laughing :-)
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