Elsie doesn't LOVE the bus.......YET!!!
She didn't like riding the bus.
Which is understandable...here I am sending her on this monstrous yellow thing with two complete strangers...what could she even be thinking!!!
I felt so bad and called Brent at work, he suggested to go meet her at school, to make sure she was okay.
On the way to the school a song came on the radio.
As I got close to the school I hear this verse,
And when he drops her off at preschool,
she's clinging to his leg.
The teacher peels her off of him,
He says what can I do?
She says "Now don't ya worry,
This will only last a week or two."
It won't be like this for long.
One day soon you'll drop her off and she
won't even know your gone.
This phase is gonna fly by, if you can just hold on.
It won't be like this for long.
I was about in tears!!!
I tried to stay back once I got to the school, to see how she would do.
But I could hear her from the car, crying....
So I got out and met her at the bus, where she gripped my neck with a death grip, until she realized she was at school.
Well, after that, she couldn't get to the class fast enough.
I was so happy that the traumatic bus trip didn't ruin her love of school!
And I wondered if I should send her home on the bus.
I finally decided just to have them try, so I called and told them to try to put her on, but if there were problems, to call me and I could come get her.
Well, she arrived home on the bus, and she had a big smile on her face.
They said she cried at first, but calmed down quickly.
I am so happy.
She was really flushed and super hot, which I assume is because of the bus being hot.
But she was so excited to talk to me about school.
But again, she was completely exhausted, so she ate some lunch and she has been sleeping now for over 3 hours!!!
I am so proud of her.
I love this little bug.
I can't believe she is growing so fast!

good job Elsie. I'm glad she made it home on the bus ok. She's a trooper...and your haircut is great!
What a big girl!!! I'll bet the first time on a big old bus would be scary at that age! She's sure a cutie!
Man that song always gets me too! I am glad that she still loves school and hopefully she will learn to love the bus!
What a big girl! Your such a good mom Kimmie. and she looks adorable in every picture I see of her. Loved the outfit yesterday! Give her a hug from me!
Oh Kim! I can't think of a more perfect song to hear at that particular time! Elsie will do fantastic! She is resilient!
These 2 elsie posts are adorable! What a big girl! She looks so cute in her litte dress and I love the pix of you holding her next to the bus :) You are a great mama :)
That first picture is so sad! That is good that she loves school so much though! She is such a cutie!
So proud of you for keeping her on the bus even though she was crying.....hard to do, but she will love it soon enough. She is SO dang cute. Love the last pic of you holding her. She sure loves her mama!
Wow, that was stressful. I'm glad God sent you song!
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