Thursday, July 30, 2009


We LOVE to earn our keep.
I knew Madi was a hard worker.
I knew she liked working with her Dad.
But I had no idea she would stick with him all day long, working.
They got a lot of stuff done on the farm for Grandpa.
Whatever Madi was asked to do, she did.
She is such a good girl.

Cassi even helped for a few minutes.
She starts helping...then kinda forgets what she is doing and goes onto something else.
She must be related to me.
She really wanted to help...but SO MANY other things were calling her name!

Little Elsie helped by keeping Grandma company in the house.

It is so nice to go to bed absolutely exhausted. And there is nothing else that can exhaust you more then working around the farm. There is no better feeling!


Cami said...

Man I wish I worked as hard as Madi!

The Holdaway Family said...

I love the one with Elsie and Ilene....she loves her grandkids!

Books = Possibilities said...

How wonderful! These are great pictures.

Soo, Kim, did you help, too, or just take pictures? :)