Friday, February 20, 2009

Busy evening

Rope Climbing
Helicopter Rides
Ice Diving
Brent was at it again yesterday afternoon.
A woman drove her truck off the High Bridge at Lucky Peak.
She did not survive.
Brent was one of the guys flown down the 300 some-odd feet to the water below to get into the icy water to retreive the body of the woman. Take her into the helicopter, and then climb theirselves back up the side of the cliff in the dark.

Brent always says how he feels bad that good days for him are always bad days for everyone else.
So yesterday was a great day for Brent, but very unfortunate for the family of the woman involved.

I just think my man is pretty cool.


Cami said...

That's scary!! Who always takes these pictures?

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

BRRRRRRR....Thanks to guys like him who do that stuff! I love the pix of Elsie in timeout, that is very cute. It is hard to have a serious face on when they make us laugh!

Jodi Gallagher said...

Wow! He has a job full of adventure!

The Holdaway Family said...

He is so lucky to do something he loves! He is a hero!