Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2 Months Old

Two months old already!!!
Where did that time go?
Porter had his 2 months check today.
He is doing good, despite some lingering stuffiness from this past week of sickness!
(Just look at those eyes!)
My baby boy is turning out to be quite a bruiser!!!
He weighs a whopping 13 lbs!
(You would think that carrying around that 13 lbs all day would help with this baby weight issue I am having!)
He has the best smiles and is so much fun...
(not counting this past week...none of us have been fun!)
He is smiling and cooing, and has the sweetest little voice ever.
He loves his tummy time, and is holding his head up great!
His thighs are chunking up quite nicely...I just want to squish them!!!
Usually he wakes up once in the night, around 3, then up at 6.
He loves to have his diaper changed and LOVES to have a bath.
He still has the loudest cry I have ever heard from a baby....or anyone, for that matter.
I should really video-record him when he is really mad...but that would mean recording him instead of cuddling him...
We love having him in our home!!!


The Stevensons said...
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The Stevensons said...

Wow.. what a chunky monkey. Taylor only weighs 23 pounds and she is 3! He will be catching her before we know it. Everytime we look at your blog she says, "There is my baby brother...Porter!"

Bald n Beautiful said...

Wow, he sleeps better than David.

Jodi Gallagher said...

He is such a cutie! Time does fly by way too fast! Enjoy every moment!

Anjeanette said...

He is so dang cute! I think those beautiful eyes sure look like Madi's eyes. Glad he is sleeping for you and glad he likes his diapers changed. Nothing worse than changing a screaming, squirmy baby. Be sure to video him screaming. One of our favorite shots is of our twins crying so hard I didn't know what to do, so I took a picture. They LOVE it now....and they don't remember. :)

Brittany said...

Oh he is such a cutie! I can't belive what a chunk he is! That is the best way for babies to be...I just can't wait to see him, "in real life!"

Love you guys!

Brooke said...

Him and Bridger could definately be twins. We took Bridge to the doc yesterday becuase he is still stuffy and he weighs 13 lbs. He also is waking up about the same time as Porter. And i think they just look alike...they must be twins! he fun! I love it!! He is a cute little man!

Young family said...

He is so cute... Hope you are all feeling better soon.

Amy said...

He has such a sweet little face... he doesn't look that chunky (at least in these pics), but he must be because I think Noah's chubby and Porter weighs a pound more than Noah! Too funny about his loud cry!

Jilene said...

awesome!! Mitchell is 3 1/2 months and still isn't 13 lbs. Getting there, but not yet. He's tiny. Porter is adorable. Glad he is doing well. Keep them pics coming!

Erin said...

oh my gosh! too much cuteness!

Katie Call-Sommer said...

That's good he sleeps pretty good. Mine has always slept really really good day and night. I can't believe he is 2 months already it's so sad how fast they grow up but yet they just get more fun as they get older. He sure is cute!

Cami said...

I can't believe he is already two months! He is such a cutie!

DTanner said...

Baby fat, what are you talking about. You can't even tell you had a baby. He is so cute. He is starting to look more and more like the girls.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

It is crazy how big they get so quickly, he is still so little, but it sure doesn't take long for them to be "big" kids! :)