We wrote our letters to Santa tonight

MadiI loved her dog...I mean 'spot-a-clause'

From Cassi
Cassi has a long list...good thing she is such a good helper with Porter!

From Elsie and Porter
Elsie will be happy with anything...
and it's a good thing Porter is so young...I don't know what else Santa should bring besides a
choo train!
Those are priceless! I love how specific kids get about what they want. I remember being insistent about getting glass slippers.
Those are cute. I need to have my kids do that also, even though it won't make much difference considering I am pretty much done with the shopping. I noticed your girls want webkinz. I just learned about those, and ran and got my kids some also. We shall see...
Hey, I just noticed the picture of Brent and Porter on the side! I really like that picture! The dark background is very catching!
So funny! Did Madi add a gift for Tanger on the bottom of her list? What did Cassi ask for after the Taylor S. CD?
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