I wish everyone could experience Elsie for one day in their lives.
I have taken for granted what a special girl she is.
The last couple days I have been able to spend all my time with her. She is so smart, so happy, so amazing I just wanted to share her with everyone.
This little angel has brought so much to our little family. Her little spirit is so happy and she tries so hard everyday to do the things that are so simple for other little ones, and she always does it with a smile on her face.
We have been playing all day, she had her speech therapy and then she refused to take a nap. Obviously she is loving the time she is getting to spend with just mommy! (Just kidding)
Well, I put her on our bed, this is where she played yesterday while I was working on the baby's blanket, and after a few seconds I looked over at her, and my sweet angel was out like a light. Doesn't she look peaceful.

So the moral of the story is...don't take your little ones for granted. I know that day after day, same ol', same ol' stuff...school, homework, eat, bath, bed....and over again, sometimes it is easy to forget to take the time and ENJOY life and your family.
I have also realized how much my girls (and hubby) get me through every day. It is hard to have them gone...I haven't been able to check on them 5 times (or more) each night to make sure they are still covered up, we haven't waited outside for Madi Bell to be the last one off the bus, I haven't been able to read to Cassi and Madi hasn't read to me. So although I know they are having the times of their lives right now, I can't wait to get them home so I can hold them and cuddle them, and hopefully not take for granted what special kiddos I have!
My man is pretty special to me too, and I know for sure that I take him for granted. I am so lucky to have him. I can't wait to hold and cuddle him too.
you really can tell that she is such a sweet little thing. & it's so true, we sometimes get too caught up in our day to day life to really appreciate what we have. sometimes i have to remember to stop & enjoy parker while he's little, because he won't be forever. thanks for the reminder :)
great entry, Kim. and so true. you hit the nail on the head with your words. Elsie really is a special little girl...your whole family is, really. thanks for the great reminder!
What a sweet cute girl.
What a beautiful reminder! I have been so tired lately, and caught up in this pregnancy and then all the things I have to do in the house... I really have been forgetting how wonderful my children are!
Elsie is such an amazing little girl! We love her so much! I know that she is LOVING her special time with mommy!!!
Kim you are so sweet. I can tell your a great mommy. Your kids are adorable! How fun to have 1 on 1 time with Elsie.
That is extra special that you get to have that one on one time with Elsie..she is so sweet and so smiley, she is and always will be a light to everyone she is around that is for sure!
Thank you for the great entry, I needed a little reminder. Elsie is such a beautiful little girl, its great to have 1-1 time with your kids!
It's so true. I love having special time to spend with just Cody. Thanks for the reminder.....sometimes I forget what my true purpose in life is, and that's being a good and involved mom to my kids. It takes moms like us to remind eachother of things like that, or it is really easy to feel like your living day to day doing the same thing.
Elsie is amazing!
Hi Elsie, Love you.
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