They did a good job. A few girls on the team have never played soccer before...but they did very well. This year is different from how Madi played last year...now they have goalies, a referee, and a lot more technical rules. So the girls are still learning all that stuff...can't wait for more practices and more games!!!
Great job THUNDER GIRLS!!!
Cassi's game is later on today...so I will do a post about that after she plays!

Fun for your girls. I was just getting ready to post our first soccer games when I checked out your site. Kudos on getting one post up in between games. Darrel is the coach for Johnathan and Zachary this year.
Yea! Go Madi...and Brent! How fun that he is coaching her team! I was too late to get my kids signed up...oh well next year!
What a lucky girl to have her dad as her coach! I love soccer and can't wait till my kids are old enough to play!!
That's fun that Brent is the coach. Maybe someday for Nathan. It was good seeing you today. We have to get together. Maybe I will "drop in" one of these mornings this week.:)
That's great your honey can coach. I love coaching my kids teams.
So fun! Your girls look adorable in their uniforms! I love watching kids play soccer. I love that Brent is coaching! What a great experiance for the 2 of them!
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