Yesterday we decided to go swimming...since the swim season is ending and the pool is gonna close soon. Then I realized I hadn't taken any pictures at the pool this year...crazy, I know! All my girls just LOVE the water!
Madi is an awesome swimmer, and Cassi is following right along!

I am not sure of the technical
terms for swimming...but I do know she is coming up for a breathe in this one...

believe I am correct with saying this is the backstroke.

Cassi has never been very afraid of the water!

Elsie...kick, kick, kicking...

Cassi swimming. She has done really good this year and has even learned how to come up for breath and then keep on swimming. It is pretty sad that my kids can swim better than me!!!

Elsie loves the water SO MUCH!!!

Anyway, just a perfect day at the pool!
So much fun! I am going to miss the summer, I am already dreading the winter and what to do with the kids when it is miserable outside!
Gonna miss the water also. What should our fish do in the winter time?
Sounds like a lot of fun. It is so sad when the summer ends. I have heard some of the pools here will not allow you to take photos for safety reasons... scary!
Ask Madi if she will give me swimming lessons? I'm serious :-) Sad, but true...Kenna and I both flunked swimming lessons (the 1st level) like 3 years straight! How sad. I need help. Ha ha
We wanted to go swimming this weekend too at 7 Peaks, but the weather hasn't been that great. Today is the last day too, and it's raining... sad! Looks like a lot of fun. I love the water pictures.
Love the pictures! I love swimming! So sad that Summer is almost over :(
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