Sunday, June 15, 2008

Utah Trip

We also had a lot of fun in Utah. A lot of playing with cousins and stuff. The girls kept themselves pretty busy! Here are some fun picts. I still have some carnival pictures to I will get that done too.
We played at the park. This is a picture of Elsie showing me where she bumped her head.

The girls with some cousins...
Cassi and Owen with Grandma Na
Elsie with my cute Dad and his signature overalls...
Cassi helping Grandma collect wood for the fire and s'mores. little sis...and Elsie
Cassi was Grandma's little helper. She helped her plant some tulip bulbs and daffodil bulbs. She had a great time helping.
And I thought this was so cute. These gloves are my Grandma Beardalls gloves. My Grandma passed away last December and I knew she had little hands...but when I saw that Cassi fit into Grandmas old gloves...I miss those sweet hands.
It was a great trip...I still have picts to post of the carnival and the triplet picts...but I will get to those later.


Amy said...

Fun pictures of both your trips! I love the one of little Elsie showing her her head!!

Jami said...

So cute. I can't get over how gorgeous all your girls are. they are going to be HEART BREAKERS!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun..Cassie looks so cute with her missing tooth. I can't believe she is wearing your grams gloves. How cute!