Monday, April 07, 2008

I got to go and take pictures for Brent and the Boise Fire Department during a training fire today. It really was so cool...and I loved seeing Brent doing the stuff he loves!
I got some really cool shots!
Just a little funny thing I noticed today while with the fire boys...when I first got there I noticed every once in a while one of them would do a little hop...then another guy would do seemed a little odd to me...then I realized they were moving cause their P.A.S. devices start to alarm when they stand still for too long...which is a good thing when you are in a don't want to be standing it lets the alarm off...but between fires, it was funny to watch them all do their little 'hop' to let the pass know they are still alive!
Anyway, I think my hubby is so cool, and these pictures prove it!!!

Notice the beads he has wrapped around the left side of his helmet strap...that is a little present from Madi Bell to her Daddy.

Checking the area before going inside.

Man in charge

Also...thanks Jenni for watching my kids for so long today so that I could go take pictures!!!


Young family said...

I used to love to go and watch the training burns. Now, Drew doesn't tell me about them until they are over. Great pictures--

Anjeanette said...

Those are some intense pictures. So cool to look at. Your husband does seem like he loves his job....that's great!

The Holdaway Family said...

That is really so cool! Did you ask to do it or do they need pictures for something? Did it make you a little nervous to see what he does on the job? Because it made me nervous just looking at some of the pictures!

Dustin said...

I hate to say this because it will make Benny Boy's head get even bigger but that might be some of your coolest pictures ever and definitely your best blog post ever.