Today we had Elsie's MRI. She is one tough cookie...poor thing had no idea what was going to hit her! The nurses were so nice, and of course Elsie was all smiles...UNTIL they put the IV in...she was MAD...being held down by Mom, Dad and a nurse, with another nurse sticking the IV in...HORRIBLE!!! But then it was in, she calmed down, I rocked her for a little while until they took us to the MRI room. They told me to be aware that when they sedate her, her body will go limp, and could stop breathing, but not to worry, they have people there just in case, as if that makes me feel better! Anyway, they start to give it to her, she cries cause they said it burns as it goes in, and then all of the sudden her head falls back and her legs seize up...then they say "Go ahead and lay her on the table now." I was so worried, but they said she is okay she is just going asleep, so I laid her down. That is when I broke baby laying there with her arms all floppy, still a little conscious, but her body completely lifeless...oh hard. Then they took us to a room to wait. We were supposed to be there when she woke up...but when the nurse came in she said "Well, she is awake and laughing at us" So we went in there and sure enough...our little Elsie was as high as a kite! So funny! Anyway...she is a trooper! We love that girl! We should get results in the next couple days.

So sad to see. She is such a trooper to go through all of that. You guys are pretty tough too I must say. I can't stand seeing my children upset. Poor things. I hope you get great results!
Elsie, we are so proud of you. I am sorry they had to poke you. But It will be great to find out answers about your puzzling little body.
Brent and Kim, we are proud of you too.
Oh, I'm just teary reading that! Hospital visits with a child are so hard sometimes...I'm glad that they made her so comfortable and that she had both mom and dad to make her happy!
What a little trooper! Hang in there little Elsie! It is so hard to see these little ones go through so much! Best of luck with the results of the MRI. By the way, your hair looks so good Kim!
What a sweet little girl! How hard that must have been, and how wonderful that she came out of it laughing. She is so tough!
ps. I love your page! Did you use a template? Or have you learned a little about wed page designing? I love the picture at the top with all the feet! SO CUTE!!!
Oh, and Buttons is adorable! How special that Elsie was able to get such a neat home made gift!
It is so hard to see such an angel have to go through all of this. She is such a trooper and such a happy baby! We love her so much and I hope that you will get some answers soon. Give her a big squeeze from all of us!
what a strong little girl. i can't believe you have three girls. they are going to be heart beautiful. thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. i'm a little obsessed with it these days. i heard you were in mentioned alesha was and then alesha said you were. i've been meaning to email alesha back...somehow i have time to obsess with the blog, but not enough time to return emails, phone calls, or clean my house :) i'll keep checking your blog (i noticed you have a photography one too...i'll have to take a look) take care.
What a tough little cookie she is. I got all choked up when I read that post though. Sheesh, you guys are amazing. Love you both!
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