Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hannah Montana in 3D!!!

We had a very fun night last night. Madi and I took her best friends Kara and Aubree to the Hannah Montana in 3D concert...and we had so much fun! Madi was so excited to wear her Hannah Montana wig....It was so much fun to watch the girls singing with Hannah songs...I can tell you that Madi had the time of her life! She kept tapping my arm and when I would look at her she would just have a huge smile on her face!!! It is too bad that you have to wear those annoying glasses, but the kids didn't seem to mind...they jumped a few times when it felt like streamers or confetti were flying at your face. It was so much fun...and don't feel bad that Cassi didn't go...Dad took her on a special date to 'ba ba I'm lovin' it' a.k.a. Mcdonalds...and she also got to rent a movie to watch, so she had a fun night too, just no pictures to show for it!!!


Young family said...

Thank you again for taking the girls to the concert. They had so much fun. They sure are getting spoiled lately since I have been on light duty.... You and Madi are great!

The Holdaway Family said...

Bailey got invited to this by some people in our ward...she loved it! I think they had different glasses, Baileys looked just like sunglasses. Her favorite part was when the guitarist threw the pick and when the drummer threw the sticks...

Nead Family said...

So cute, Kim! Macey is starting to get into Hannah Montana a little bit. It's funny!

Bald n Beautiful said...

what a fun mom! I loved doing things with just mom and me.

Brittany said...

Fun stuff! I bet those girls were in high heaven!

Michelle said...

I am sorry for teasing you about going to the Hannah Montana concert. I imagined you and Jenni, with the glasses on. Since you took Madi, you are a super fun mom!