We had such a great time over Christmas! Brent's parents had been thinking of coming for a long time...but we never told the girls just in case it didn't happen...I wish I could have had a picture of them when they saw Grandma and Grandpa sitting on the couch when they got home from church!!! Priceless!!! We had such a great time...Grandma is recovering from not only getting a rod put in her back about 1 1/2 months or so ago...but she has had about 5 I think surgeries in the last year having to do with her back and heart...but this trip was just what the doctor ordered...literally...her Doctor said he thought it would be a great thing for her to do for her recovery...it really was so great to have them here!
We really had such a great time...Thanks for coming to see us and making such a memorable Christmas for our little girls!!! We love you.
How nice!!! What a great Christmas!
Grandparents are the best!!!
Did you change your bar and your counters, they look different?
We did put up the black panel stuff...it looks really cool, but we havenb't changed the counter tops...yet!
That was so neat that they came! How is Ilene feeling now? In those pictures her bottom lip looks so much like Elsies! I don't think the "Peterson mold" took with your kids!
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