So Madi and Cassi have been begging to rent "The Island Princess" (For those of you who aren't lucky enough to know what that is part of the Barbie movie series.) Anyway, so I figured with Dad at work tonight, it would be a great night for it...I drag the girls to the local Albertsons to go to Redbox, the girls looked great, Madi and Elsie were in their Jammies, and Cassi had one of her "best "outfits on...we looked realy cute, anyway, we wait in line for about 15 minutes, with Cassi jumping up and down so excited to see the movie...only to find out, they were all rented out! Well, I couldn't leave without any movie, so I came across "Bratz-the sleepover" and I thought that would be fun...
Um, I was wrong!
So I let them stay up and watch more cartoons after it was over to help them forget about the scary stories...Anyway, this is what memories are made of, right???
So funny! I would have never guess that the Bratz movie would have been scary! I love the pictures of the girls!
That really is so funny! I will email you the instructions on how to customize your blog, it's kind of a pain but fun. Just follow the directions exactly and it should work. I so wish we lived closer to each other. I miss you, I love you!
So why did you let them keep watching it huh? How did they sleep last night for you? At least you got some fun pictures out of it.
So when your friend emails you those instructions to customize your blog I want them too, k. I keep asking my friends how to do it and no one will tell me. I guess they all want my blog to stay ugly. haha.
How funny and sad! That is too bad that the movie ended up being scary! Hopefully they didn't have bad dreams!
That's funny! We learned the hard way about "Bratz" stuff. We now stick with just Barbie stuff. Barbie and the Island Princess was on today. Hopefully you caught it.
By the way..... I have no idea how to do my blog. What's on there is just from me playing around a little bit. It's embarrassing that the whole world knows how to do blogs, and I have no clue. So I will keep working on it. :)
Madeline has seen that movie too! She also thought it was pretty scary, but continued to watch it over and over again. We rented the "Barbie Island Princess" movie last night, but went to 4 different RedBox's to find it. It was rented everywhere. I ended up getting it online and reserving it. It's a good way to do things. It will tell you where the movie is and then you just go pick it up! I'm going to return it right now, so there should be a copy waiting!!!
Beleive me I tried to get them to let me stop it...I did get them to let me fast forward a few parts...I think they were waiting for everything to turn out okay, that is how I am...they slept great, except for Cassi and her bloody noses...seriously, she has had 6 in the last 24 or so hours...poor the mornings it looks like someone has been butchered in her bed!!! Yuck!
That story is pretty much amazing!
That is so funny! You're just like me, you don't stop the scary movie, you just take pictures of your terrified children. HAHA!
Stick to Barbie- Bratz are evil.
I agree, Bratz are evil and a bad influence! We rented one Bratz movie where they were trying to get out of homework by going to the mall. Bratz are now completely banned from out house!
Stick to Barbie! Ü
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