Saturday, October 31, 2020

Friday October 30 -Saturday October 31

Man, I forgot to write last night!!!!!
All is good, just the regular stuff going on really.
It was a beautiful day outside yesterday... Beautiful sunrise when I left the gym.
I got Elsie to spend time outside.
Got school work done and all that fun stuff.
This morning I went to HIGH dressed as a cheetah 😁
Then I stayed in it all day because it's Halloween!!!!
Vern came over and brought donuts to Cassi because she guessed the closest to the weight of the pumpkin contest the Edwards was having.
Cassi guessed 67 pounds and it was 66.4!!!!
Nice Cass!!!!
The kids were good sports about not going trick or treating.
I'm so glad.
For many years I've wanted to be done with trick or treating......I just really don't like it!
And this year, thanks to covid, was my year 😂😂
We invited Josh over, made a fun dinner, carved pumpkins, and had a contest and Port ended up winning the most votes.
Then Cassi and Josh went with friends and the littles and I watched The Addams Family.
So it was a nice night.
Excited to have dad back home tomorrow.
I cannot believe October is over!!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday October 29

It was such a beautiful day today.
The boys went hunting again after Port was done with school.
Dad said that they had to head back home at 6:15.
Well, Port shot this guy right in the nick of time.
They got home just after 8 and still had to gut him and they ground some of him into burger too.
Talk about fresh!
Port had so much fun.
They saw a huge elk while out there..... But they didn't have an elk tag.
But it was cool to see him.
So it's a really late night tonight!!
Gotta get to bed!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wednesday October 28

Elsie had her eye appointment this morning.
I tagged dad into coming with us because I thought she would be better with the eye drops.
Well....... We get there and they are only allowed one person to go with them đŸ˜ŗ
Guess who she picked???
She picked dad.
So I dropped them off, then went shopping at Costco.
It worked out 😁
Things went well, her prescription sightly changed.
We will get her in soon and pick some new glasses out.
She's excited.
I went to lunch today with a few ladies.
It was nice to get out.
I'm actually not a huge 'going out to lunch' person, but it's nice to spend the time with friends.
Dad and Porter last to go do s bit of hunting after Port got his school work done.
They didn't get anything, but they are gonna go back out tomorrow and take the 4 wheeler this time.
Port is loving this time with dad.
Dad loves it too.
Oh their way home, they stopped by the store to pick up my couch.
I live it so much and I'm super excited to get started on the room!
I have fun plans for it ❤ī¸

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tuesday October 27

Gosh I'm so happy.
It's gonna be so great.
Elsie did virtual PT today and she was so awesome.
She worked really hard.
She tried things that she never has, hard things.
And she never complained.
She was a rock star!
My head really started hurting this evening.
It's pretty good during the day when I'm up and doing stuff, but when I wind down.... It just hurts so bad.
My teeth hurt, my jaw, my sinuses, my cheek, jaw.
All of it!!!
I am doing my rinses and nasal sprays and I am hoping it will go away!
But I don't know if I can handle much longer 😭😭😭
This evening we had our ARP meeting.
It was such a great meeting.
Spirit filled ❤ī¸
We talked about Step 4.
That is truth and writing your inventory.
What's interesting, prime think they are supposed to write down all the bad things they have done.
But it's also so great to focus on the good things you do and things you overcame.
I talked about how the things we most dislike about ourselves are connected to our very best qualities.
I shared how Cassi always leaves messes everywhere 😂😂
Then I talked about how that actually is a big part of Cassi's care-free, fun personality.
I'm a bit of a hoarder..... But I also think that helps contribute to my frugal creativity 😂😂
We all have things were don't like, but if they were completely gone, we would lose our qualities.
That only ties in partially to what this step is about, but it is important to not dwell on all the bad stuff you have done it been through and let yourself grow from it.
I shared this quote too:

If you focus on hurt,
You will continue to suffer.
If you focus on the lesson,
You will continue to grow.

On man, that is just so good ❤ī¸


Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday October 26 is sooooo cold today!!!
Went to the gym, then helped kids with school.
After dad got back from the gym, we got started on the rain gutters outside.
How great is gonna be too have rain gutters!
We ran out of supplies AND it was so very cold, so we only got half done.
We will finish up tomorrow.
Dad and Porter brought back pizza for dinner.
Then we got in the hot tub.
I feel like I probably have a sinus infection coming on.....I am feeling pretty lousy.
Hopefully I can do all my 'tricks' and get it gone before I need to take antibiotics.
Oh man, I hate sinus infections!!!!!


Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sunday October 25

Well, I failed with a Sunday family picture!!!!

Oh well.

I had a RS zoom meeting this morning.

Then we had church online.

Then I went to the church for a ward missionary meeting.

We had some quiet time at home.

Kids and I read the Come Follow Me scriptures 

I do miss the routine we had when Madi and Logan lived here.

We haven't been as good at giving over they lessons 

We need to get back into it.

Also, it's hard when dad is at work!


Cassi made some pumpkin puree.

I made some pumpkin soup with it for dinner, it was really really yummy.

Then Cassi made some pumpkin cookies.

She is still making pumpkin cookies.

I told her that I was going to bed and if it wasn't all cleaned up when I woke up, she's be grounded for three weeks.

Let's see what I wake up to đŸ¤Ē

Where is currently making some hot glue sandels while the cookies bake.... Yes, I said hot glue sandels.

Like sandels made completely off hot glue.

Oh that girl.

But I think she'll want to get it all cleaned up, because it's almost her birthday and she's not gonna want to be grounded!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Saturday October 24

The kids got lots of stuff done that I had on their job lists 👍đŸģ
That's awesome!
It was so cold this morning.
I went to the gym.
Then we worked on housework.
Later in the day I went and took some family pictures for people.
We were worried about the wind and cold, but it was actually perfect!
I mean, it was windy and cold, but it all went really smooth.
I brought sonic home for the kiddos dinner.
Turbo we went and played games at the Morgan's house.
Dad did not sleep well last night with the CPAP machine.
I'm sure it will just take time... 
But he was super tired when he left for work today ☚ī¸
Hopefully he can get a little sleep tonight!!!!!


Friday, October 23, 2020

Friday October 23

Man.... It's cold out there!!!!
The gym and school and went great.
Dad and I went to pick up his new cpap machine.
I'm excited for him to get some actual good sleep!!!!!
Hopefully he can get used to it quickly!
We got back home and Port and Cannon helped dad get the deer meat ready to make jerky 
It is marinating overnight and we will get it in the dehydrator tomorrow.
It is a big hit!!!!
Dad and I had a date night.
We went to Costa vida and then to trader joe's.
Dad loves those mochi ice cream balls they have, and we got a couple other goodies.
Then we stopped at RC willey to check out furniture.
We don't have anything in our front room except the piano 😂
I think we found some stuff and I'm excited to get started on finishing the room!!!!!


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thursday October 22

 We had a productive day.

Not super exciting.. but we got the stuff done that we needed to and that's good.

Dad and I went to the gym.

Then we planted all our poplar and willow starts that we rooted.

Hopefully they will survive the winter and in the spring we can plant them along the back of the field so we can have a little buffer when houses start getting built.

There are a lot of them, so we have a good chance of at least some of them surviving 😂

I adjust went around and found all the old windows were have collected over the years and measured them.

I'm going to make plans to build a greenhouse with them. I'm really excited 😏

Ended the night with dinner and hot tub, the usual.....

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Wednesday October 21

The sky looked so pretty this morning when I left the gym.
We got stuff ready for the YM/YW activity this evening.
I did have a dentist appointment today as well........
Put them pumpkins on the porch.
Looking festive 😁
We had a fun surprise visit from Drew and Heather.
That was fun to visit with them for a bit.
We need to go out on a date together soon!
The activity went well.
It was a good turnout.
And the kids mostly behaved.
Elsie bug was so tired, so she left to get ready for bed before the activity was over.
She said she didn't sleep very good last night.
Hopefully she sleeps better tonight!!!!


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Monday October 19-Tuesday October 20

Woopsie.... Forgot to write again last night!!!
But there was no school Monday or Tuesday.
Sounds like the kids are going back tomorrow.
I'm not sure what got figured out.
Yesterday, I went to the gym and then mostly worked on the garden all day.
Pulled a lot of pumpkins out!
So much fun!
I need to get the mule charged so I can take them around front and decorate my front porch!
Last night we went and had some smores at the Morgan's house.
Today, workouts and then I went and took family pictures for the Edwards.
That's Billy's anniversary gift to Vern.
She was so happy about it and I think they turned out great ❤ī¸
Love them!!!!!
Elsie hung out with Sierra for a little bit.
Then after dinner, dad and I had our ARP meeting.
And then we hopped in the hot tub with Elsie and Porter.
Poor Cassi worked the closing shift last night and tonight.
She got home at midnight last night.... So it will probably be the same tonight.
And poor girl has school on the morning đŸ˜ŗ☚ī¸
Sunday and today we have been making jerky out of deer meat.
It is so tasty!!!!!
Pretty cool!
I have been terrible about the Inktober stuff.
But Madi is still doing them.
I live her drawing today for 'coral'.
She is so creative and I love that she is finding her own style.


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Sunday October 18

All of us got to go to church today, except dad ☚ī¸
We missed having him with us.
The kids had presidency meeting after church.
Port and I listened to it scriptures while the girls were still in their meetings.
And we just hung out and ate the rest of the day.
Madi and Logan were excited to finally go to church! 
This is the first week they have been, and fun/exciting to be in their new ward.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saturday October 17

 Our whole day was mostly watching rugby.

Today was the championship games, and it didn't turn out as good as we had hoped.

The mountain view girls still played great, but they went home with the silver.

Gosh dang they wanted that gold!!!

The girls were all crushed.

But Cassi was awesome to watch.

I am glad we let her play this year.

She loves it so much and she has grown so much.

Then when we got home, Port and dad got to with on making their deer jerky.

Port is so excited to try it out!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday October 16

Today started out so cold!!!!

But then it warmed up pretty nice.

Kids did their schoolwork.

But much happened today except they needed Brent to stay safe work, so he was gone again today ☚ī¸

But he will for sure be home tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Cassi's last rugby games.

The championships.

Should be good games!

Hopefully it will be good weather!

I didn't a bulk of the day painting a picture for my friend who has a birthday tomorrow.

I am very much a procrastinator...... But I think it turned out nice.

Her husband passed away in March and she has been struggling.

I drew a picture of him and her together.

I hope it is something she will love ❤ī¸

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Thursday October 15

I think we did a good job getting stuff done today.
Also got workouts in.
The neighborhood boys got to hung out and they carved some pumpkins 😁
Elsie did some art.
And Madi and I had the Inktober prompt 'outpost'.
Mine is from inside a tent, looking out... Kind of hard to tell 😂
Dad worked an extra shift today, so I'm excited for him to come back tomorrow ❤ī¸