Friday, December 14, 2007
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8:38 AM
Saturday, December 08, 2007
My Wonderful Grandma
My beautiful, wonderful, amazing Grandma passed away yesterday morning. She was an amazing person who showed love to everyone, she was the hardest worker I have ever known. She was feisty and knew how she wanted things done. She made it to 97 1/2 years old. It was really neat, she died on the same day as her mother did many years ago, which also happened to be her mother, Elsie Warner's, birthday too.
I wish everyone could have known this wonderful woman. She always had a smile, and even until the end wouldn't let you play rummy cube by any other rules but hers!!! I love my grandma and I aspire to be like her. I have such mixed feelings, she is where she needs to be now, life was getting so hard for her toward the end, but I just wish my kids could know her the way I did...but I guess that is up to me to keep her memories alive.
I remember when I would go to her house to help with irragation, or just yard work, she would always get mad at me for running everywhere, she always said that I had time and I didn't have to run...and also I remember her always making me a get clip to clip my bangs out of my face...I remember interveiwing her one time for school about living during the depression, and all the stories she told. I love the one where she talks about Grnadpa bringing home the house they bought in like 10 different peices...I am not sure if that is the right amount, but something like that, and how she cried all night...well, that is the same house she has lived in for many years, and it is a beautiful house. I remember her teaching me how to use her rug loom, which is so neat...she couldn't understand why a young person like me would care anything about something as old as that...She always had the best surprised look...with Christmas presents, birthday presents...she would open it up and have the most genuine thankfulness...then she would get mad that you went to such trouble to give her something nice....I remember her always wanting canned milk as a present! I will never forget her beautiful smile. I loved to play with her hands when I was little because she had big veins that you could push around and they would wiggle on her hand...and now I am blessed with those same hands!
I will post pictures of her when I get back in town. I am so thankful to have had such a wonderful woman and role model in my life. I will always remember my Grandma.
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11:11 AM
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Husband Tag
1. What is his name? Brent Eugene Matthews...funny story about his name...I had no idea what his name was the first few dates we went on...I was introduced to him as Brent, but on the dates we went on, we usually went with friends he grew up with and they all called him I had no idea what to call him...when he was born his nephew was about 1 year old and when he would say Brent Eugene, it sounded like the name I wasn't sure what to call him, everyone who knew him growing up knew him as Benji, but anyone since he started College calls him Brent...anyway, kinda a funny story!
2. How long have you been married? It will be 8 years in January, can you believe it!
3. How long did you date? Ummm...two 1/2 months from first date to "I Do"
4. Who eats more? I do, by far...always have...he isn't a big eater...but I think I could beat anyone in an eating contest.
5. Who said 'I love you' first? He did...I didn't want to say it until he said it...
6. Who sings better? Brent doesn't ever sing...but I am not a great I guess neither of us...
7. Who is taller? Brent and I love it...I love my tall dark and handsome man.
8. Whose temper is worse? Well it depends...what do you think is worse? Ignoring the other person when they get mad (Brent)...or yelling and slamming doors and kicking stuff (Me)... But really we don't get mad very much...
9. Who does the laundry? Me...but I am not very good at it! One whole day to wash, one whole day to fold, and one whole day to put away...then I am sick of it for a that is why it takes another whole day to wash, cause there is so is an ugly little cycle!
10. Who does the dishes? I have a great husband, my house would be a disaster if not for him... we both do the dishes, but really, he does it more than me.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brent has always been like that...I am not gonna change now!
12. Who does the cooking? Again, Brent is the one who can cook...if it is mac & cheese and fish sticks that you want, I am your gal!
13. Who is more stubborn? I would have to say me...I get my way, ALOT!
14. Who proposed? My sweet hubby did...he was TERRIFIED!!!
15. Who is more likely to admit when they are wrong? I think we both do that...of course after the ignoring and yelling and kicking ......
16. Whose parents do you see the most? We always visit each side when we go to visit...they live about 1 1/2 hours away form each other...but they are both 5 hours form we always split our trips...
17. Who pays the bills? Bills...what bills
18. Who wears the pants in the family? Brent wears the pants...maybe sometimes I pick them out for him... ;)
19. Why do you love your husband? We are perfect for each other...he is what I need and I am what he needs. I love how I fit in his arms. I melt when he says my name. I love how much he loves our kids...and they think he is the world. I love how we work as a team with everything we do. I love him for all he does to put up with me...I love him cause I know he would give me the world if he could. He knows when I need a hug. He is just my man, that's why I love him!!!
Now I have to tag people... Heather, Annie, Alesha, Stephanie, Michelle, and Sheryl...have fun guys!
Posted by
9:27 PM
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Reflections Update
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10:32 AM
Monday, December 03, 2007
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4:29 PM
Posted by
8:50 AM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
More with George
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9:14 PM
Weekend with Curious George
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9:45 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Daffodil or Tulip sprouts!!! What??? Anyone know why those sprung up now???
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8:56 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Triplet Shoot
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10:46 AM
Friday, November 16, 2007
My new favorite part of the day
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8:49 PM
Playing again
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11:08 AM